Damini Gulati took to LinkedIn and shared her practical thoughts on how the whole idea was not feasible. In her post, she writes,
Investing seems like a good idea for those who earn 7 figure salaries, or people in their late 30s and 40s. But the likes of me who earn just enough to make it in Tier 1 or 2 cities, it is just added pressure.
-Damini Gulati on LinkedIn
And that is true. When a lot of people like us are paid peanuts for our jobs, half of the salary goes into paying bills, such as rent, internet, and food. The other half (or to be honest, one-fourth) is what we are left with to ourselves. And saving up to invest is just added pressure in this survival game. Many would like to take their time, understand the market, save to invest, and then start their investing journey. But for an 11-year-old, it might be too soon.

The user clarifies how she is not against the idea of savings. She writes, “Now I am not saying anything against savings. When I make just enough to get by, I know that to buy an iPhone, a MacBook, or to go on a vacation, one needs to save. But investing in something that you barely understand is not a cup of cake, and at such a young age I would rather upskill or learn more about the line of work I am in.”

To which Damini replied,

Many on LinkedIn shared their thoughts towards the post.

Investing needs a little planning and research. There is never an age to start investing. Check out these finance influencers and cryptocurrency influencers who make understanding the tricks easy.