Delhi’s Shaheen Bagh has been one of the most prominent centers for anti-CAA protests across the nation, with women leading the protest against the contentious act.
How to you spell COURAGE in India?
— Nенr_wно™ (ShaheenBagh Wale) (@Nehr_who) January 17, 2020
And now, different artists are coming together to join the people of Shaheen Bagh for a ‘celebration of the resistance’ on Sunday, January 19. The artists include Ankur Tewari, Hussain Haidry, Saba Azad, Aamir Aziz, and Sabika Abbas Naqvi.
Dilli ki sardi mein jalegi Mohobbat ki aag. @sabazadofficial @hussainhaidry @sabikanaqvi #AamirAziz jo aag bujh jaaye bas hawaaon se… woh hum nahin. ✊🏽#ShaheenBagh This Sunday.
— Ankur Téwari (@ankurtewari) January 17, 2020
All these artists have, in the past, also lent their voice to anti-CAA protests held across various parts in the country. Both Ankur Tewari and Aamir Aziz have even penned poems in support of the anti-CAA protests.
तेरे ज़ालिम इरादों के
— Ankur Téwari (@ankurtewari) January 5, 2020
जुल्मों सितम सहें
वो हम नहीं
जो ख़ौफ़ के कहर से
ख़ामोश रह गये
वो हम नहीं
डरते होंगे
बुज़दिल तेरे
डराने से
सैलाबों से
आँधियों से
तूफ़ानों से
जो आग बुझ जाए
बस हवाओं से
वो हम नहीं
जो मज़हब के बहाने
आपस में लड़ रहे
वो हम नहीं
अपनों को पीछे चोड़
आगे जो चल पड़े
Shaheen Bagh has become a symbol of the anti-CAA resistance across the nation, with anti-CAA supporters commending the protestor’s courage. Because, despite harsh winter winds, hailstorms, rains, and biting cold, the protestors have continued to peacefully demonstrate their point.
An Example for the World of a Woman who stands up against Fascism at the age of 82
— Shaheen Bagh (Constitution Journey) (@CAAProtest123) January 16, 2020
“”It’s my 29th day here today. I eat here, I pray and sleep here only,” Bilquis, 82, “I go home only when I have to change my clothes or take a bath,” the octogenarian said
In fact, recently, people of different faiths even came together at Shaheen Bagh to participate in a multi-faith prayer ceremony.
This will haunt BJP/RSS for long! #MyINDIA
— CAA / NRC Protest Info. (@NrcProtest) January 12, 2020
Shaheen bagh right now #ShaheenBaghProtest
Shaheen Bagh, with its unwavering resilience–even in the face of government’s unmistakable apathy–has truly proved to be the face of India’s spirit of resistance.